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Possible defamation in the workplace / möjligt förtal på jobbet
Two weeks ago, my team and I organised an international scientific conference, attended by around 140 participants from more than 50 institutions, including journal editors. Just before my opening remarks, an anonymous email signed "Stockholm researchers" was circulated to the participants. The email contains an insulting epithet to describe misleading statements aimed to vilify and publicly discredit. The details described in the statements could only be accessed by specific managers. During the conference, several invited speakers approached and expressed their sympathy, questioning the authenticity of the content and labelling it as harassment. They also informed that this was not the first time such an email had been circulated, and that it had previously influenced the decision-making of at least one selection committee. The damage has been permanent and far-reaching, as the email reached potential employers, employees, reviewers, and editors. I am not familiar with internal regulatory mechanisms in such cases, and would appreciate your expert advice on the possible steps to take to address what appears to be an inappropriate behaviour. And whether a civil or criminal law claim can be applied. Thank you very much