
What should I do when my neighbor's branches are on my property?

Good afternoon.

I bought a house(villa) a couple of months ago. My garage entrance is close to the limit of the property. My neighbour has bushes at the limit of the property, and their branches grow 40-50cm in my garage entrance. It's really disturbing: if I park my car in the entrance, I can't open the door without scratching it. Same thing when I want to get in or out of my garage, it's so narrow that I can't maneuver properly.

She doesn't want to cut the branches, saying that "it could kill them", and that they were here when she bought the house in 1975. The roots are also deforming the concrete of the entrance.

My question is: what's the procedure to force her to act to keep my private space?

Thanks a lot.

Lawline svarar


Thank you for turining to Lawline with your question!

According to Swedish law, you could yourself cut down the branches that are on your property. However, your neighbour should first be given the opportunity to carry out the action himself, if this can be cause harm to him (3 kap. 2 § jordabalken)

With kind regards

Susanne ZahawiRådgivare
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