Downpayment Newly Constructed Apartment
Lawline svarar
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My answer:
Without reading your particular contract you have I cannot give conclusive advice on this matter, so do take my answer with a grain of salt as it might not apply for your specific situation.
It often depends what the contract stipulates, however, generally, they do allow for fee increases during the construction period and also after and if that is the case they are allowed to increase the fee.
However it could also allow for you to exit your agreement if you chose to do so. However this usually also means losing your down payment of 50k you state that you have paid.
In general the situation with new constructions is that it can be quite risky to build new if they're not sure people will move in, so it is a risk and type of investment both parties agree on. So if you chose to exit, you are most likely to lose the money you paid them in the preliminary agreement. But then again, keep in mind, your specific contract might say otherwise.
My Advice:
All in all my advice to you is that you read your contract carefully and then advice with a lawyer, we here at Lawline have our own firm you can reach out to as well, for more detailed help!
Hopefully this was a satisfactory answer to your question.
//Kind regards