Äktenskapsförord på engelska
Hej! Tacksam om ni, på engelska, kan förklara innebörden av följande text:
We spouses agree by this prenuptial that any property that each of us have, and later acquires, represents the owner's separate property during marriage. This also includes any property that we spouses could receive by inheritance, gift and bequest. Property in lieu of all now intended property as well as yield of such property shall be his or her separate property during marriage. The only marital property shall be the property we acquire together during marriage.
Lawline svarar
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Nedan följer en förklaring av texten du undrar om på engelska och en översättning till svenska.
Förklaring på engelska
The meaning of this agreement is that anything the spouses had before the marriage, or acquire during the marriage on their own, will be only theirs and the spouses do not have to share these things in the case that the marriage comes to an end (through divorce or death). Beyond things that the spouses buy for themselves, the agreement also covers any gifts, inheritance and bequest that they eventually receive during their marriage. The agreement also covers any property in lieu of the mentioned property above as well as yield of such property.
Although the things that the spouses acquire during their marriage together, with the purpose of owning it together, will be shared in the case that the marriage comes to an end. If the spouses for example buy a house or a car during their marriage, it will be owned together and eventually shared. Other things that the spouses buy for themselves, for example jewelry or shares, that are not bought for common ownership, will in the case that the marriage comes to an end, not be shared either.
Förklaring på svenska
För att kort sammanfatta det hela på svenska så innebär äktenskapsförordet att allt de två makarna äger sedan innan äktenskapets ingående. samt sådant som de köper eller får i gåva, testamente eller arv under äktenskapet, ska vara deras enskilda egendom och därmed inte tas med i en eventuell bodelning vid skilsmässa eller ena makens dödsfall. Samma gäller sådan egendom som har trätt i istället för annan egendom (ex. pengar efter sålt hus man ägt) samt avkastning av egendomen, exempelvis om det är frågan om aktier. All annan egendom som förvärvas under äktenskapet med ändamålet att användas gemensamt, kommer att utgöra giftorättsgods, det vill säga delas upp lika vid äktenskapets upphörande.
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Vänliga hälsningar,