What are the rules regarding subletting my apartment?
I am new in Sweden, and I would like to know the rules about to be an owner of a flat.
Can I after buying the flat, rent it out ? Have I the right to do so or I need to know other rules here?
Lawline svarar
Hi and thank you for choosing Lawline regarding your question!
If you do buy a flat you are allowed to rent out the flat only if the board of your housing association allows it (7 kap. 10 § bostadsrättslag). If they don't approve, you still have a possibility to rent it out, but only if the Hyresnämnd approves. Authorization by Hyresnämnden (the regional rent tribunal) shall be given if the tenant owner (in this case, you) has grounds for the subletting and the association has no legitimate reason to refuse it.
The board do have an interest in that those who own the tenant rights also lives there, if there are many second hand rentals in the housing association already, it may be difficult for you to get their approval without fair reasons for subletting it.
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