

I have permanent resident in Sweden. If its unlimited resident permit, why on my card its says its valid till 2020.

How can i extend my permanent resident permit.


Lawline svarar

Welcome to Lawline!

You can read more about your residence permit card here (https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals/Residence-permit-card.html).

As you can see on this site your permit card is valid for as long as your permit is. This means also that if you have a permanent residency your card can be valid for as long as five years. You will therefore need to aquire a new card after five years (2020 I suppose). Just like a passport you will need to apply for a new one after some years.

I hope I have answered your question and if you have further questions you are welcome to email us at info@lawline.se.


Oskar Paladini SöderbergRådgivare
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