Svenskt medborgarskap vid återkommande arbetstillstånd

How the swedish citizenship is counted? I recieved my first workpermit in March 2013 and failed to get it extended in Nov 2014 and then I had to leave sweden. I went back to my home country and got a new workpermit again starting from 20 Feb 2015.

Will my time towards citizenship counted from 2013 or from 2015?

Lawline svarar


Thank you for turning to Lawline with your question.

Your question is about Swedish citizenship for foreigners so the answer is controlled in "utlänningslagen". For you to be able to obtain a permanent residence permit in Sweden you have to worked for a total of four years in the last seven years. And you should have worked for the employer and the profession you have had a work permit for (5 kap. 5 § utlänningslagen).

So your time towards citizenship is counted from 2013 and seven years forward.

I hope that you received an answer on your question, please revisit if you have other thoughts!


Victoria NajafiRådgivare
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