Foreign request for help with "Ärvdabalken"

Dear Sirs:

I live in Argentina and would very much appreciate to have contact with you for some legal questions related to the chapter 10 § 5 Ärvdabalk (1958:637). I need contact because the laws of the two countries are very different.

Please confirm me if your e-mail is correct.

Thank you very much for your help

Kind regards

Lawline svarar

Hi, and thank you for your question. All answers to questions recieved by e-mail is publiced online, and to get an answer you need to specify your question. You are welcome to write to Lawline again with the specifed questions. If you prefer so you can call +46 (0)8-533 300 04 instead. To get the questions answered is free of charge but you'll have to pay for the call so perhaps the online version is a better option for you. 


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