Extended residence permit during studies / Förlängt uppehållstillstånd vid studier


I am an international student here in Sweden and in august 2018 I have applied for visa extension and just got a rejection a week ago on the grounds of not enough credits. But I have required credits to get the extension and they mentioned in the decision that you have submitted credits like 7.5 once and then 7.5 but I have never submitted like that. I am wondering what to do and why did they misinterpret? I have all the documents that shows my progress and need help how to work on it. looking for your response and suggestions.


Lawline svarar

Thank you for contacting Lawline with your question,

Since I don't know all the circumstances in your matter I'm unable to answer why Migrationsverket have misinterpreted it. Although if you are of the opinion that the decision is incorrect you have the opportunity to appeal.

You can appeal the decision within three weeks from the day you got to take part of the decision. To appeal you should write a letter telling which decision you want Migrationsverket to change, and why. Submit documents or other evidence that supports what you tell, preferably in original.

It might be a good idea that someone with legal knowledge writes the appeal for you. My recommendation is that you hire a lawyer from Lawline to represent you in the matter. If you are interested of this you're welcome to contact me at dennis.lavesson@lawline.se for an offer and further contact.


Dennis LavessonRådgivare
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