Can I travel with my residence permit card until the expiration date?

Hej. I have upphelltistand untill 15 october. Can i travell with it untill thr last days or i have to stop travelling wirh it 1 or 2 months before its ends and then i will renew it . Thank you

Lawline svarar

Hello and thank you for turning to Lawline with your question!

The answer to your question can be found in utlänningslagen (UtlL) (law of foreigners) and on the homepage of Migrationsverket (Swedish Migration Agency). To be able to travel abroad you have to have a passport (UtlL 2 kap. 1 §) and a residence permit card (uppehållstillståndskort) (the web page of Migrationsverket).

So the answer to your question is that as long as you have a valid passport and a valid residence permit card, you can travel abroad. That means that you at least for now can travel until the 15th of October. If you renew your residence permit, then the new expiration date on the card will start to apply. I advise you to also double-check the expiration date on your passport just to make sure that it is still valid, that is of course if you decide to travel.

I hope you got the answer you were looking for and I wish you a nice day,

Best regards,

Fuad HeydarovRådgivare
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