Can I travel from Sweden with a temporary residence permit?
Can I go back to my homeland for a visit when I have only one year residency. I'm from syria.
Lawline svarar
Thank you for turning to Lawline with your question.
The answer to your question can be found in utlänningslagen (UtlL) (law of foreigners) and on the homepage of Migrationsverket (Swedish Migration Agency).
When you have a temporary residence permit you can travel from Sweden as long as your residence permit is valid (2 kap. 4 § in UtlL). This means that you can visit Syria within your one year residency. However, in order to travel you need a valid passport (2 kap 1 § UtlL) and a a residence permit card as proof of your residence permit. When you travel you must be able to show the card together with a valid passport. If you do not have a valid passport, the Swedish Migration Agency can issue an alien's passport in certain cases (2 kap. 1 a § UtlL). I advise you to visit for further information regarding this.
I hope you received the answer you were looking for.
I wish you a pleasant day,