FrågaOFFENTLIG RÄTTÖvrigt26/09/2020

Where to complain about human rights violations / var vänder man sig med klagomål kring kränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna

For human rights violations, which ones are the Swedish courts one can present the case to? Please, list them to me. Thank you!

Lawline svarar


Thank you for writing to Lawline with your question!

The answer to your question mainly depends on who has violated your human rights and the circumstances regarding the violation. I will list and link the different kinds of authority, to whom you can turn to with your complaint.

If you claim that your human rights have been violated due to a decision from an authority, you can request a review/retrial of the decision at that authority. You also can request a court trial, depending om the matter of the violation. Here is a website where you can read more about what court you should turn to. Depending on where you live and the circumstances regarding the violation, different courts are relevant for your question.

If it is a criminal offense, you should report it to the police.

You can report a human right violation made by any authority, to the Justitieombudsmannen or Justitiekanslern.

If the violation regards a question of discrimination, you can report it to the Diskrimineringsombudsmannen.

If the violation regards the Convention of the Rights of the Child, you can report it to the Barnombudsmannen.

If you have been mistreated by the government, or any authority under the government, you can request compensation for your harms by sending a request to the Justitiekansler.

Lastly, you can complain to the European Court of Human Rights, but only if the violation has affected you personally.

Unfortunately I can't give you any more specifics, since I don't know the matter of your issue or the circumstances regarding the violation.

I hope I could be of any assistance in your search for the right authority for your complaint. You are welcome to contact us again if you need further help. I apologize for the delay in your answer.


Sara PedersenRådgivare
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