Uppsägningstid vid hyra av bostadslägenhet
Our landlord gave us 3 months notice for our apartment, which means we need to leave the apartment by the end of March.
We found a new apartment but we can move in beginning of March so we want to leave the apartment 1 month before the end of the notice period.
Our landlord has 3 months of notice period for us while we have one month of notice period.
We already notified our landlord that we want to leave by the end of February but he states that we have to pay March 's rent and we cannot notify after he already notifies us.
We would like to know if we have to pay the last month of march or our notice period is valid.
Lawline svarar
Thank you for turning to Lawline with your question!
As I have understood it your question states that your landlord has to inform you 3 months before ending your contract, where as you only need to inform your landlord 1 month in advance. There is however a obligatory minimum 3 month notice period according to 12 kap. 4 § st. 1 p. 1, so no matter what your contract states there is a 3 month notice period for both sides of the contract. Therefore, if your landlord insists on a 3 month notice period it is his legal right to do so and therefore you are obliged to pay rent for the month of march too.
I hope my answer was of any help and good luck!