Retroaktivt underhållsbidrag (retroactive child support)
Lawline svarar
Hi and thank you for choosing Lawline!
The equivalent of child support in Sweden is called "underhållsbidrag". A parent is only obliged to pay underhållsbidrag if they do not live together with the child (Föräldrabalken 7:2). As I understand the situation all of you live together in the same house which would mean that the other party is not obliged to pay child support.
If you do not live together - meaning that the other party is obliged to pay underhållsbidrag - you can claim this retroactively for a period not exceeding three years from the date of filing the suit (Föräldrabalken 7:8).
I hope this answers your question. If you have further questions you are very welcome to ask them to us at Lawline!