
Obligation to Account for One's Assets

We are under separation. on december the marriage will be official and decided (half a year waiting time gets over then). Now we are trying to solve the "Bodelning". my ex husband says that he needs to show all hes accounts only the date before the application was sent in to court. I think he is trying to hide his accounts and has transferred out a lot of money. is there anything in a law what says that both sides should show transfers about accounts a longer period? and if yes, then what is that period`?

Lawline svarar

Dear Madam,

Your ex-husband has an obligation to account for his assets held during the time period from the plaint was delivered to the court until the bodelning is finalised.

This is stated in the äktenskapsbalk chapter 9 § 2-3 (

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Yours Faithfully,

Lawline RådgivareRådgivare
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