
Samboavtal när samboförhållande redan avslutats?

Hello, I live in Karlstad with my Sambo and we are separating and I have been told that by law I have to do a "Bodelningsavtal när samboförhållandet upphört" Doesn't help that my swedish is not so good. I was wondering if I could get some advice.

Lawline svarar

I can answer your question very shortly: You are not required by law to set up such a contract after your relation ended. That sort of paper is generally to have a legal importance during or before your sambo-relationship. The contract referred to is about splitting you and your partners furniture and place of living, so that any ownership-related conflict will be avoided when/if the relation eventually ends. If you don't have any such contract, and your relation is over, then there won't be a necessity to inventorize you and your ex belongings. Off course it can be practical to make a list over your belongings to avoid mixing the stuff together, but there are no legal aspects of this suggestion. Best regards
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