
Do I have the right to demand my personal data be erased?

hej, data privacy. i have asked game support to delete my account, they reject that. What i can do to force them delete my data?

Lawline svarar

Hello and thank you for turning to Lawline with your question!

Regarding questions about companies usage and storage of user data, and vise versa the users right to data privacy in the manner that you are describing it, the applicable law is EU:s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The article relevant to your case would be article 17 GDPR (also known as the right to be forgotten). Listed in article 17 GDPR are a bunch of bullet points that state in which scenarios a person can invoke their right to be forgotten. Among them you'll find article 17.1.a where it is stated that a person has the right to demand that their personal data be erased if the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. This essentially means that you, as a customer, have the right to have your personal data (such as your account) erased when you no longer wish to use their services. By invoking this right, you'll be able to lawfully demand your data be erased, if the company doesn't comply, you'll have a high probability of success if you take the matter to court.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our legal team at Lawline.

Kind regards,

Benjamin LindholmRådgivare
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