How does the divorce process work in Sweden?

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I'm here at Sweden.

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For divorced.

I not know what to do.. and need to get 50 % from my ex ... how and best to do.... need a lawyer.. I have no income... I'm sepearted and he filed divorced me 3 weeks ago.....

Lawline svarar

Hi and thank you for contacting Lawline!

To answer your question: we do have lawyers who can help you with the divorce (specifically the division of property). You can fill in this form and we will contact you. I hereby assume that you have a legal prenuptial agreement.

Additionally, I can inform you about the division of property. What property is subject to a 50/50 division between spouses? Matrimonial property (7 chap. 1 § äktenskapsbalken (ÄktB). That is property owned or obtained by either or both married spouses before or during their marriage. In other words, your separate property can not be subject to the property division (7 chap. 2 § ÄktB)

Furthermore, you should know that the main rule after a divorce is that each ex spouse is responsible for his/her own economical situation (6 chapt. 7 § ÄktB). However, as with many main rules, there are exceptions. One exception is that, if one spouse needs financial support for a transition period, that spouse has the right to receive it by the other spouse, as is reasonable considering the ability of this spouse and other circumstances (6 chapt. 7 § ÄktB). Here it depends on your need for support and the other spouses ability to pay it. Another exception, that is used restrictively, is if one has difficulty economically since a long-term marriage has been dissolved or there are other special reasons, the spouse is entitled to the financial support from the other spouse for a longer period than stated in the second paragraph (6 chapt. 7 § ÄktB).

We can help you with both the division of property and the process of claiming your financial support - just fill in the linked form.

/Best regards,

Viktoria TomssonRådgivare
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