
Appealing a surcharge

Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible for Uppsala Länstrafiken (UL) to charge a fine they gave me when all the information they collected from me was my phone number and my name. They do not have my personal number. I do not have a swedish ID card but I do have a swedish number. I was not aware I needed two tickets for a trip considering I have a monthly pass for SL. Now I'm wondering if I should appeal this ticket or if they can even charge me somehow. In the "personnummer" section they wrote my birthday. I feel like if I appeal I will provide them the information they're missing. Thank you for the guidance

Lawline svarar


Thank you for requesting help from Lawline!

If you believe that you were wrongfully charged you could appeal the surcharge using the UL website. However, the appeal needs to be done within 10 days after the surcharge was issued. 

Since they collected your name, birthday and phone number they will most likely be able to find where you live by using the swedish population registry. The fact that they didn't collect a personal number is subpar in this situation. 

In short, if you feel like you were wrongfully charged you need to make an appeal within 10 days of the issuing date of the surcharge. Since they have your name and birthday they will be able to find where you live by using the swedish population register.

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact Lawline.

Best wishes,

Theodora CaratasRådgivare
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