Frågor & Svar

Kan utländska nya lagar göra att jag nu i efterhand beskattas för mina inkomster i detta land?


Under 2014-15 jobbade jag i Uk London. Jobbade för PCL (se text nedanför) ochsom beskrivitt i detta doc helt lagligt på den tiden. Tider förändras och nu önskar UK skatt på den lönen som jag hade under dessa år.

Min fråga är kort, Om jag inte betalar skatt till UK kan dom då kräva den från mig i Sverige?

Om man ser på det lite större så är skatten inte så stor (17tp) för dessa två år. har bara inte lust att betala detta då dom har ändrat reglerna.

Contractor Loan Legislation - you are affected. Take action now.

The purpose of this email is to bring to your attention all the options that are available to you concerning the Loan Charge legislation introduced by HMRC, which will take effect from April 2019.

As a recipient of a third party loan you will be caught by this punitive legislation and should take remedial action to mitigate your liability without delay. At the time the loans were made, they were within the tax legislation and not taxable. However, the new 'Loan Charge' legislation has been made retrospectively and you will be subject to the full force of this legislation when it takes effect in 2019.

You will have received an email from Knox House Trust, the Trustees of the trust that holds your loan. They have outlined 2 options to mitigate the 2019 Loan Charge; Settlement or Repayment. They cannot offer assistance and have suggested the services of contractor specialist PTS Limited, who can assist with these 2 options.

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